Monday, November 11, 2013

Halloween Fun!

Hi all,
Obviously, I haven't really posted much since the beginning of the year. You teachers know how it goes with the beginning of the school year - early mornings, lots of coffee, and late nights.

I can't believe first quarter is done!! I did my report cards all last week and BOY - are my Kindergardeners not the same little guys that entered my classroom in August! I had my first parent conference today - it is SO much fun sharing how much my students have gained!

A couple of weeks ago was Halloween! I had my guys working in centers; we made big green monsters (to go along with the book, Go Away Big Green Monster by Ed Emberly)...

Green handprints, white sharp teeth, big googly eyes and a red nose!
and Franken-dohs! I got this idea from Pinterest!

The bolts are Rolos!
and we had some sensory fun dipping our hands into pudding "dirt," jello "blood" and spaghetti "worms!" "That's disgusting" as one of my little guys would say!

LOL, and obviously, everything got mixed together. My poor paraeducator running that center!

Halloween was fun but EXHAUSTING!! Glad that Chipotle had $3 burritos that night!

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