Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Busy bee!

Hi all! I've been a busy bee. My hubby, Rob, and I bought our first home last Tuesday and have been moving and organizing all week.

It's been super busy but so much fun! I am excited to make our home cozy - our apartment furniture looks like doll house furniture in our much bigger home! Pinterest projects, here I come!

Yesterday, I met my instructional specialist that will be working with me in my transition to the autism program. She is super sweet and I am excited to work with her throughout the school year! I had a lot of my questions answered and we went over the instructional materials and warehouse orders - they are going to get me some goodies from Lakeshore!! So excited about all the new things my students will be able to work with this year!

No internet at the new house (I'm writing to you as I sit on a comfy couch at Starbucks), so I'll leave you with this video - I am SO excited about next year and what it will bring!

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