Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Almost October... This year is flying by!

I cannot believe that it is ALMOST October! I have been adjusting nicely to my new classroom; not to say that there hasn't been rough days, but I have survived and I am loving the new structure and my little guys! We are into Week 5 and we are head deep in behavior frequency data, writing and working on the letters L, F and E, and running through our Verbal Behavior curriculum (I may write a post on this alone next).

We have a lot of maladaptive behaviors going on in my classroom - eloping, hitting, kicking, throwing, biting, body dropping, etc. We have to take frequency data to see how the behavior changes throughout the quarter. For some of these behaviors, we may have to write behavior plans for. For some of the kids, they came to my class with behavior plans that we may end up tweaking.

I started using Handwriting Without Tears to guide our handwriting and letters this year. I LOVE it! I love how hands-on and tactile it is. The kids get to form the letters with wooden sticks and with magnets on a Magnadoodle and the curriculum teaches the kids HOW to write the letters.
I like having the students experience writing in different modalities, so I also have my kids roll out play dough and form the letter using these letter cards:
I used to also do shaving cream and gel but don't think my little guys can handle it this year! Maybe as we continue, we could try it. I also have them practice writing on a white board.
I have worksheets that have them form the letters using animals that start with that letter, color in the letter and do ABC art! We also work on identifying items of a certain letter - I have these sweet ABC Letter Bins from Lakeshore. I love it because I don't need to search for all of the words on my own - it is all in one place and is such a major time saver.

We spend about 2 weeks on a letter. Letter time is so much fun to me - it's multi-sensory and the kids are able to get good fine motor practice in.

Halloween is coming up; we are going to read Go Away Big Green Monster by Ed Emberly! So excited. :) Lots of fun Halloween activities going on.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Room Preview!

The year has officially begun; we are into week two! I cannot believe it, but it feels like I've been at work for months. You know it's the beginning of the school year when you find yourself at school for 12 hours at a time and drinking coffee in the morning and a Coke in the afternoon!

This year, I am in a completely different program. The autism program in our county put a BRAND new Kindergarten autism class in our building for this school year and I decided to teach it last year! I am very impressed with the skills of my little guys this year! They have some behaviors that we have to work on, but all in all, it has been a fun couple of weeks.

Let's hope I gain some super powers so that I can finish all that I need to do! :)

Sooo... here is my room preview. It finally came together! I wish I had before pictures, because it was a HUGE hot mess. ;)

Here is my bulletin board; I decided to do owls because I have too many borders with owls that were going to waste!

I whited-out my students' names!
I made my owl and my paraeducator owls bigger than the students' owls! 

Here is the big reveal! I hesitated to put up pictures because I feel completely unorganized and I hate that! I am hoping with time, as I learn the ins and outs of the new program, I will be able to be organize myself! The classroom itself looks not so bad, so I guess I will post pics. :)

When you walk in - this is to the right! I have my whole group / snack table and then a work corner to the right for our intensive direct instruction time. 
Our "work time" table for a couple of my guys. We use the pocket chart to divide the space so they aren't distracted by each other - I am waiting for the Autism program to deliver my divider! Also, my 3D birthday bulletin hasn't been torn down yet, so that is always a good thing!

As you continue to turn, you see my morning circle area. One of my little friends is VERY small so a regular desk will not fit her. I have one of my student's work time area by the computer because he is VERY motivated by it!
Keep going - my word wall, the bathroom and our work bins.

MY desk / the kitchen. I moved my desk to the completely opposite side of the room to free up some corner space! I love the move! Who else's desk gets SUPER cluttered as the day goes on?? In the kitchen, you'll see a little box - it is a sensory bin with noodles the kids can get in! One of the parents brought it in for us!
Play / Break area. Behind the blue curtain is my supplies.

My cubbies; I have the morning routine picture schedule posted right by it and the students are able to order their lunch on the closet door. 
I did some MAJOR organizing and giving away of some things. Sometimes, I keep things, thinking, "Maybe I will use this one day..." and it doesn't happen. So to the school-wide "give-away" pile stuff goes!

YAY school! I cannot believe we are back in full swing! We have off tomorrow for Rosh Hashanah - PTL for random days off. I really needed a break.