Confessions of a Special Ed Teacher
Monday, December 30, 2013
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Monday, November 11, 2013
Halloween Fun!
Hi all,
Obviously, I haven't really posted much since the beginning of the year. You teachers know how it goes with the beginning of the school year - early mornings, lots of coffee, and late nights.
I can't believe first quarter is done!! I did my report cards all last week and BOY - are my Kindergardeners not the same little guys that entered my classroom in August! I had my first parent conference today - it is SO much fun sharing how much my students have gained!
A couple of weeks ago was Halloween! I had my guys working in centers; we made big green monsters (to go along with the book, Go Away Big Green Monster by Ed Emberly)...
and Franken-dohs! I got this idea from Pinterest!
Obviously, I haven't really posted much since the beginning of the year. You teachers know how it goes with the beginning of the school year - early mornings, lots of coffee, and late nights.
I can't believe first quarter is done!! I did my report cards all last week and BOY - are my Kindergardeners not the same little guys that entered my classroom in August! I had my first parent conference today - it is SO much fun sharing how much my students have gained!
A couple of weeks ago was Halloween! I had my guys working in centers; we made big green monsters (to go along with the book, Go Away Big Green Monster by Ed Emberly)...
Green handprints, white sharp teeth, big googly eyes and a red nose! |
The bolts are Rolos! |
and we had some sensory fun dipping our hands into pudding "dirt," jello "blood" and spaghetti "worms!" "That's disgusting" as one of my little guys would say!
LOL, and obviously, everything got mixed together. My poor paraeducator running that center!
Halloween was fun but EXHAUSTING!! Glad that Chipotle had $3 burritos that night!
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Almost October... This year is flying by!
I cannot believe that it is ALMOST October! I have been adjusting nicely to my new classroom; not to say that there hasn't been rough days, but I have survived and I am loving the new structure and my little guys! We are into Week 5 and we are head deep in behavior frequency data, writing and working on the letters L, F and E, and running through our Verbal Behavior curriculum (I may write a post on this alone next).
We have a lot of maladaptive behaviors going on in my classroom - eloping, hitting, kicking, throwing, biting, body dropping, etc. We have to take frequency data to see how the behavior changes throughout the quarter. For some of these behaviors, we may have to write behavior plans for. For some of the kids, they came to my class with behavior plans that we may end up tweaking.
I started using Handwriting Without Tears to guide our handwriting and letters this year. I LOVE it! I love how hands-on and tactile it is. The kids get to form the letters with wooden sticks and with magnets on a Magnadoodle and the curriculum teaches the kids HOW to write the letters.
I like having the students experience writing in different modalities, so I also have my kids roll out play dough and form the letter using these letter cards:
I used to also do shaving cream and gel but don't think my little guys can handle it this year! Maybe as we continue, we could try it. I also have them practice writing on a white board.
I have worksheets that have them form the letters using animals that start with that letter, color in the letter and do ABC art! We also work on identifying items of a certain letter - I have these sweet ABC Letter Bins from Lakeshore. I love it because I don't need to search for all of the words on my own - it is all in one place and is such a major time saver.
We spend about 2 weeks on a letter. Letter time is so much fun to me - it's multi-sensory and the kids are able to get good fine motor practice in.
Halloween is coming up; we are going to read Go Away Big Green Monster by Ed Emberly! So excited. :) Lots of fun Halloween activities going on.
We have a lot of maladaptive behaviors going on in my classroom - eloping, hitting, kicking, throwing, biting, body dropping, etc. We have to take frequency data to see how the behavior changes throughout the quarter. For some of these behaviors, we may have to write behavior plans for. For some of the kids, they came to my class with behavior plans that we may end up tweaking.
I started using Handwriting Without Tears to guide our handwriting and letters this year. I LOVE it! I love how hands-on and tactile it is. The kids get to form the letters with wooden sticks and with magnets on a Magnadoodle and the curriculum teaches the kids HOW to write the letters.
I like having the students experience writing in different modalities, so I also have my kids roll out play dough and form the letter using these letter cards:
I used to also do shaving cream and gel but don't think my little guys can handle it this year! Maybe as we continue, we could try it. I also have them practice writing on a white board.
I have worksheets that have them form the letters using animals that start with that letter, color in the letter and do ABC art! We also work on identifying items of a certain letter - I have these sweet ABC Letter Bins from Lakeshore. I love it because I don't need to search for all of the words on my own - it is all in one place and is such a major time saver.
We spend about 2 weeks on a letter. Letter time is so much fun to me - it's multi-sensory and the kids are able to get good fine motor practice in.
Halloween is coming up; we are going to read Go Away Big Green Monster by Ed Emberly! So excited. :) Lots of fun Halloween activities going on.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Room Preview!
This year, I am in a completely different program. The autism program in our county put a BRAND new Kindergarten autism class in our building for this school year and I decided to teach it last year! I am very impressed with the skills of my little guys this year! They have some behaviors that we have to work on, but all in all, it has been a fun couple of weeks.
Let's hope I gain some super powers so that I can finish all that I need to do! :)
Sooo... here is my room preview. It finally came together! I wish I had before pictures, because it was a HUGE hot mess. ;)
Here is my bulletin board; I decided to do owls because I have too many borders with owls that were going to waste!
I whited-out my students' names! |
I made my owl and my paraeducator owls bigger than the students' owls! |
Here is the big reveal! I hesitated to put up pictures because I feel completely unorganized and I hate that! I am hoping with time, as I learn the ins and outs of the new program, I will be able to be organize myself! The classroom itself looks not so bad, so I guess I will post pics. :)
When you walk in - this is to the right! I have my whole group / snack table and then a work corner to the right for our intensive direct instruction time. |
Keep going - my word wall, the bathroom and our work bins. |
YAY school! I cannot believe we are back in full swing! We have off tomorrow for Rosh Hashanah - PTL for random days off. I really needed a break.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Busy bee!
Hi all! I've been a busy bee. My hubby, Rob, and I bought our first home last Tuesday and have been moving and organizing all week.
It's been super busy but so much fun! I am excited to make our home cozy - our apartment furniture looks like doll house furniture in our much bigger home! Pinterest projects, here I come!
Yesterday, I met my instructional specialist that will be working with me in my transition to the autism program. She is super sweet and I am excited to work with her throughout the school year! I had a lot of my questions answered and we went over the instructional materials and warehouse orders - they are going to get me some goodies from Lakeshore!! So excited about all the new things my students will be able to work with this year!
No internet at the new house (I'm writing to you as I sit on a comfy couch at Starbucks), so I'll leave you with this video - I am SO excited about next year and what it will bring!
It's been super busy but so much fun! I am excited to make our home cozy - our apartment furniture looks like doll house furniture in our much bigger home! Pinterest projects, here I come!
Yesterday, I met my instructional specialist that will be working with me in my transition to the autism program. She is super sweet and I am excited to work with her throughout the school year! I had a lot of my questions answered and we went over the instructional materials and warehouse orders - they are going to get me some goodies from Lakeshore!! So excited about all the new things my students will be able to work with this year!
No internet at the new house (I'm writing to you as I sit on a comfy couch at Starbucks), so I'll leave you with this video - I am SO excited about next year and what it will bring!
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Planning for the School Year: Building a Strong Parent Rapport Right off the Bat!
Parents can be their student's biggest advocate! It is so important to include the parents in their child's educational program. It is so important to build a good rapport with them, as they can be invaluable to reinforcing things that you are doing in the classroom at home AND provide insight to their child. We are all on the same team, so I like to try to get off to a good start with them!
It is so important to have clear communication with your students' parents. Not only do they feel included in their students day, but it will make things SO much easier!
Until next time!
At the beginning of the year, I like to:
- Call them! I like to call to introduce myself to them before the school year starts, especially if the student is new to you. This will be my second year with the Kinders, so a lot of my guys come from different pre-k programs. I also like to give them the opportunity to teach me about their child! I ask them some questions about their child, like if they have any health concerns/needs or allergies and what types of things motivate their child. This simple gesture helps you get off on the right foot with the parents AND helps you to know the student a little better than the information the IEP may give.
- Ask them how they want to communicate! It is a blessing to make communication as convenient as possible for them. They have a lot on their hands!
- Send out a teacher introduction letter. I send out a letter, telling them who I am, my credentials and teaching experience and how excited I am to be working with them and their child! I send this home on the first day of school
- Survey them. Along with my teacher letter, I send out a simple survey, asking the parents about their child. Enjoy this freebie (in PDF or Microsoft Word)!
- Hold a Back-to-School-Night! My school does this for all parents; we all meet together in the cafeteria and then break off into classrooms for more classroom-specific information. More on this later!
And some tips for throughout the year:
- Daily notes home
- Parent Communication Book. Logging your communication is super important in special ed. It gives you a record to go back to, especially in sticky situations. I keep a binder of my communication with each parent.
- Save your e-mails. My school system uses Outlook, which unfortunately deletes e-mails after a certain period of time. I used to print all of my e-mails but this is such a waste of paper! I heard this tip from someone at a mentoring class I was taking this spring: Have all of your received and sent e-mails forwarded to a Gmail account! Gmail has a huge amount of space for you to work with and a great search feature if you need to refer to a specific e-mail.
- Monthly newsletters. Helps keep parents updates about what you are doing in class!
- Have a resource guide readily available. A resource guide is GREAT to have handy, especially when parents have questions about different services and resources available to them.
- Make sure to include them into the IEP process.
- Honor them for the holidays (Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanzaa, Valentine's Day, Mother's & Father's Day). Make sure to have your little guys create something beautiful for them!
Until next time!
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Planning for the School Year: Scheduling
Hi!! I am starting to plan for the school year; one of the first things I do at the beginning of the school year is create my schedule. Scheduling can be one of the most frustrating tasks for a special ed teacher. Between related service providers (OT, PT, SLP) and specials/lunch/recess and breaks for staff, it can be a real nightmare when you find that pieces are not fitting together as you'd hoped.
First, I give the IEP goals a glance over to see what instructional activities may work. I usually write these down for each student so I have a draft copy of all the goals in one place; I call these my IEP's at a Glance. I keep a copy in my plan book and share it with my paraeducators to let them know what things we are working on. After creating my IEP's at a Glance, I then think of what goals can be met in which types of instructional activities. For example, last year, one of my students had a vocabulary IEP goal; the goal was to gain functional vocabulary receptively (5-10 per quarter). I decided to have an ABC centers time, where the students would transition between 3 centers run by my paraeducators and I: a sensory center, writing center and word and letter center. We would introduce functional vocabulary in the word and letter center based on the letter of the week; the activity aligned nicely to the IEP goal and I wasn't awkwardly scrabbling to figure out where I would assess this goal every week. When you plan in your schedule for the ways that you're going to assess for your IEP goals, it ensures accountability on your part that you will be working on it at least once every week!
Second, I create a template, first scheduling my non-negotiable's. This includes lunch and recess and specials, based on the school master schedule. This could also mean your students time with their related service providers, especially if the SP's have a strict schedule of when they are able to meet.
From there, I go on to create the rough draft of my schedule. Everyone has different methods to this. Some teachers do a hard copy rough draft. My OT uses a file folder and movable post-it sticky notes for each student. It seems to work really well for her. For teachers, you could even color-code the post-it notes to correspond with your instructional activities! (I have OCD tendencies!)
I like to do my schedule on the computer. I use Excel and schedule using 15 minute increments; I color code each instructional activity. For like activities, I can use different shades of the same color (reading groups and read alouds)! This seems to work the best for me, as I find that I can easily manipulate Excel.
Once I have my schedule, I create an IEP Matrix and a Staff Schedule. An IEP Matrix is way for you to see which IEP goals you are meeting throughout the school day.
For the matrix, I simply copy my schedule on Excel and write in which IEP goals I can meet in the square for the instructional activity. Sometimes, I group like IEP goals into a category on the IEP at a Glance and then use that category name for my IEP matrix, just so I am not writing each goal down on the tiny little squares of Excel.
For my staff schedule, I find that this can be the most frustrating part of the day. Our staff work very hard so it is important to give them the breaks they deserve! At the same time, we have to ensure that we have coverage in our class, especially for activities that require more hands on deck. :) For the staff schedule, I copy my master schedule and start plugging in. I try to ask staff if they have preference for when they would like to have lunch or take their breaks. Some of my para's have friends who work in different classrooms and if I can accommodate them eating lunch at the same time as their friends, I try. Sometimes, it is just not possible but I try. :) My staff schedule can be confusing to my staff, so I also make sure to type up a schedule in Word to give to them.
Scheduling and I have a love/hate relationship. What are your scheduling tips?
From there, I go on to create the rough draft of my schedule. Everyone has different methods to this. Some teachers do a hard copy rough draft. My OT uses a file folder and movable post-it sticky notes for each student. It seems to work really well for her. For teachers, you could even color-code the post-it notes to correspond with your instructional activities! (I have OCD tendencies!)
Source: Pinterest |
Once I have my schedule, I create an IEP Matrix and a Staff Schedule. An IEP Matrix is way for you to see which IEP goals you are meeting throughout the school day.
For the matrix, I simply copy my schedule on Excel and write in which IEP goals I can meet in the square for the instructional activity. Sometimes, I group like IEP goals into a category on the IEP at a Glance and then use that category name for my IEP matrix, just so I am not writing each goal down on the tiny little squares of Excel.
For my staff schedule, I find that this can be the most frustrating part of the day. Our staff work very hard so it is important to give them the breaks they deserve! At the same time, we have to ensure that we have coverage in our class, especially for activities that require more hands on deck. :) For the staff schedule, I copy my master schedule and start plugging in. I try to ask staff if they have preference for when they would like to have lunch or take their breaks. Some of my para's have friends who work in different classrooms and if I can accommodate them eating lunch at the same time as their friends, I try. Sometimes, it is just not possible but I try. :) My staff schedule can be confusing to my staff, so I also make sure to type up a schedule in Word to give to them.
Scheduling and I have a love/hate relationship. What are your scheduling tips?
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